Improving soil health starts with the biology.

Fish IT for Nurseries

Many nurseries throughout New Zealand are struggling with their soil health. Poor soil health leads to seedlings that are less resiliant out in the wild when planted leading to loss in the forest. If you are looking to boost the health of your seedlings and looking to utilise your soil at optimum levels to improve soil health, seedling health and strike once they are planted, then Fish IT could be one step in the right direction.

For nurseries growing pine seedlings of various varieties, soil fungi are critical to seedling health. Fish IT provides the microbes in your soil with a necessary food source that activates these microbes allowing them to do their job of cycling nutrients. Healthy soil also helps to keep disease and pathogens at bay, resulting in healthier seedlings. Our customers see increased soil depth, greater numbers of worms and soil microbiology, and richer, deeper-coloured seedlings that are stronger and healthier meaning they are more resiliant.


Lyndon Mills

Leithfield Nursery

“Our soil health has improved along with that of our seedlings.”

100% natural & sustainable means less loss to the environment

icon Micro Biology

Helps soil biology do its job, cycling nutrients & building healthy soil

icon tractor

Easy application through most boom spray & helicopter systems

icon tractor

Made in New Zealand from locally sourced mortality Salmon

Improving Soil Health Translates into Healthy Seedlings.

Increased resiliance once planted in the forest are the upstream benefits of improved soil health when growing pine seedlings. Soils with high levels of organic matter have been found to have a higher soil N supply. Because Fish IT works to feed the soil microbiology in the organic matter in the soil it helps you to obtain ‘more for less’ – more production with less synthetic fertiliser inputs.

Fish IT helps nurseries grow and activate the soil microbiology, increase your worm count, and grow healthier seedlings by helping to create a soil environment that requires less synthetic fertiliser.

Leithfield Nursery – A Transformation

With soil health declining, worm counts reducing, a change in approach and the addition of Fish IT has helped Leithfield grow strong, resilient, healthy seedlings.

Leithfield Nursery is at the bottom of the South Island growing seedlings to sell into the forestry market. Producing up to 15 million seedlings per year, Leithfield has served the market for a long time supplying Pinus Radiata and Douglas Fur. But, over time, their soil health had degraded and the quality of their seedlings had decreased.












Seedlings love Fish IT. You will too.

  • Healthier soils grow richer deeper coloured seedlings that are more resiliant to pests and disease both in the nursery and out in the forest. Fish IT helps to free up nutrients in the soil allowing it to be used by plants to grow. The result – healthy seedlings.
  • Because Fish IT helps to create a balanced soil biome pastures are provided access to a supply of nutrients from soil biology and soil organic matter. This means plants get access to the types of nutrients they need precisely when they want them in a plant-available form, there is less chance of losing profit to diseased or pest-ridden areas.
  • Maintain confidence in your short and long-term production outputs without the loss of seedlings.
  • Your clients will love the increased success in the forest of your seedlings.












Application of Fish IT

Fish IT can be applied through most boom sprayers including Helicopter booms, tractor pulled booms or garden sprayers. We recommend removing filters where possible and diluting the application by a ratio of 3L Fish It to 10L of water.

If starting out with Fish IT we recommend an intial drench dose of 30L per hectare followed by a seasonal application up to 4 times a year of up to 20L per hectare.

Fish IT can be mixed with other fertiliser and biological products for one single application.