Millions of living organisms cycle nutrients and help the soil ecosystem do it’s job. Fish IT is the perfect biostimulant to feed the soil micro biology.
FREE UP YOUR SOIL NUTRIENTS Save on fert inputs Feed the micro-biology Whole Salmon fish hydrolysate
Fish IT feeds your soil micro-biology.
As complex as soil is there is one thing that is necessary to ensure your soil is working for you – feeding your soil biology. As with any living thing, your soils micro-biology ecosystem requires food to function efficiently doing its job of freeing up and cycling the nutrients already in your soil for the plants to use to grow.
Fish IT Whole Salmon Fish Hydrolysate is the perfect bio-stimulant to feed your soil saving you money on expensive fertiliser inputs.
Soil is the nutrient powerhouse full of important micro-biology. Freeing up nutrients and making them plant available saves farmers and growers on inputs, is better for the environment and their bottom line.
Optimise Profitability
Reduce the use of costly inputs
Healthy soil is composed of a functioning microbial ecosystem that cycles nutrients in the soil. This microbial ecosystem needs food for energy to do the job of making elements, minerals and proteins available to be used by the plants. This then helps to build soil structure, retain moisture and combat pathogen pressure producing healthier plants and therefore animals.
Building healthier soil will help to:
- Reduce costly synthetic fertiliser applications.
- Increase your productivity by enhancing nutrient pathways.
- Increase water retention in the soil supporting the plants’ tolerance to drought.
- Provide the building blocks to promote healthy, productive animals.
- Promote plant growth and increase agricultural and horticultural yields.
- Balance nutrition and optimisation of synthetic fertilisers when taking a hybrid approach.
Maintaining Growth
Meeting the environmental challenge - Made in NZ
Made in Southland with whole mortality Salmon from the nearby Stewart Island Salmon Farms, Fish IT Whole Salmon Hydrolysate can help maintain productivity while reducing conventional fertiliser input levels and dependance. Fish IT helps to reduce nitrate and phosphate dependance without harming pasture or crop growth when managed correctly.
A reduction in synthetic inputs can help in a number of ways including reducing fertiliser costs on businesses, farms and orchards, and reducing the impact of synthetic fertilisers on our environment.